November 30, 2009

another alter ego

since I rarely post something long and 'berbobot' lately on my blog, I used posterous to post photos, a short sentences and anything lately.I think posterous is more simple and easier to use.Visit my alterego HERE

have a great weekend people ;)

October 30, 2009

October 27, 2009

what a creature

am gonna put this mask off someday..

October 19, 2009

Children little museum

Banyak yang nanya dimana saya motret 'tempat jualan maenan vintage' yang saya post di something lovable berwaktu2 yang lalu.It's an uber cute and glorious vintage&toys store which has a children little museum yang bertengger tepat di lantai atas tokonya.
cuman itu yang kira kira bisa merangkum apa yang membuncah dihati saya pas masuk ke tokonya.Singkatnya Ini aja saya kasih liat dalem nya.
Dan berhubung saya dan temen saya sebiji itu pada demenya pake 50mm smua,jadi cuman segitu doang yg bisa keliatan.(manual zoom eui,pake kaki)
So,kalian yang ke singapore,i very recommend this place lah...;)
it's located behind sultan mosque,u can reach it by mrt dengan jurusan arab street.Lebih enak lagi pake bus ,dengan jalur yang saya lupa jalur berapanya,it costs very cheap a.. cuz arab street pan deket tuh sama lil india yang notabene tempat hostel2 murah berserakan.So lebih efisien ketimbang naek mrt (apalagi taksi!!)

October 17, 2009

their D day

Selamat memasuki next chapter of your life all my dear friends ;)

August 27, 2009

review : frau

Beberapa bulan lalu,saat itu saya sengaja dateng ke LIP untuk nonton Whiteshoesandthecouplescompany. Sebenernya sih ga dapet tiket,karena memang tiket mereka udah sold out H min berhari-hari sebelumnya. Tapi entah saat itu saya ngebet pengen nonton, makanya saya keukeuh dateng ke LIP dengan harapan kali aja ada sisa tiket gitu. Singkatnya setelah manyun dengan sabar di frontdoor sambil curi2 dengar panitianya,dapetlah itu tiket whiteshoes.Waktu itu saya cukup telat masuk, karena si FRAU sang opening act udah performed duluan.Cari tempatlah kami dengan sedikit senggol-senggol (bacok).
Pas itu dia lagi mainin Im a sir kalo ga salah.Tiba2 saya ternganga membabi buta..ohmygoat!!!
I accidentaly amazed by her play, and her voice was like an angel. I accidentally freezed by her perfomance. Aduh kemana aja ya saya baru ngerti frau sekarang??

hear her song here
(yes,it rhymes :P)

August 26, 2009

something lovable

they will never get extinct,whenever times would pass ;)

August 21, 2009

the one with the 'deym'* thesis

this is my second title of my last do you think? (hihii has it sound smart enough?no? :P)

June 17, 2009

the awesomeness

another scrathes from dimitri maksimov

May 12, 2009

Vidrar Vel Til Loftárása - Sigur Rós

accompanied by a cup of spicy hot chocolat, jolly time butter, and cloudy sky


May 11, 2009


Amen :)

talking talking

hey bloggie,, (sebenernya pesimis juga ad yang baca blog inih,haha)
here's another entry semenjak masa hiatus terjebak dalam masa masa kkn yang hina dina.Udah lama juga eh ga posting panjang2.. 
Ga ngerti knapa setiap mau nulis selalu timbul rasa aneh pas mau ngetik kata demi kata,walau entah pake bahasa inggris ato indonesia sekalipun.Dan sekarang saya lagi posting pake bahasa indonesia yang sebenernya  sama parahnya kek bahasa inggris i'll start writing it instantly without a concept.. entahlah saya juga bingung mau nulis apa.. berhasrat nulis cuman mandeg otaknya.%_%

Saya lagi baca kite runner.friend of mine has sugested this book like a year ago.Baru kesampean baca minggu2 ini.Reading is like a portable  pleasure yang (tentunya) praktis mengisi sela sela jam sibuk kita.Kek lagi ngantri potokopi,nunggu while ordering Jus Q-ta, lagi ditempat KKN yang notabene (sok) nganggur abis pdhal banyak gawe,di kamar mandi sambil 'merenung', nuggu giliran jalan pas maen poker (dih ga segitunya ya.. haha) .Kebanyakan orang suka ngelahap satu buku cuman dlam sehari atau dengan waktu sekilat2nya.Tapi kalo saya sukanya di eman-eman sih, secara suka bete sendiri klo lagi demen banget sama bukunya,eh cepet aj tamatnya.. :p.kontras banget dengan most people i know yang malah pengen cepet2 selesai gara2 penasaran sama endingnya.apapun itu.. teruslah membaca teman2.. fire it up.. 

KKN saya tinggal 2 minggu lagi.Im so freakn glad yet tragicly stressed out.. im still wondering how is the ending of this drama would be.Considering our conspiracy  with the citizen against the godfather of Randusari.. muahahaha. This fvkn drama definately blurring who is  the evil. it's the battle between the kkn fighters versus the godfather of randusari.who's gonna win anyway..?place your bet amigo.. ;)

btw udah lama ga ngerasain ini,
but suddenly im missing him right now.. 
just another temporary feelin that periodicaly changes,..

smell ya later then..

PS: hey hey,bsuk saya ada mock up furniture.Saya yakin bakal dibantai abis2an.Wish me luck.. :)

April 24, 2009


how i "think" cannot be seperated from how i "feel"

April 20, 2009

April 17, 2009

fok us

memang sibuk,atau sibuk menyibukkan diri?

April 9, 2009

iron my life

hari ini merupakan hari membuang2 kertas se-indonesia
dan saya turut berpartisipasi untuk bisa mendapatkan secangkir kopi yahudi ini secara gratis
;) enjoi

April 7, 2009

crack a smile

his name is dimitri maksimov
and im officially becoming his stalker
he's just effing greeaatthh!

April 5, 2009


today was freakn weird,especially me self and several things that really matter

March 28, 2009


try to th!nk outside the box!
how can i tell people to think outside the box when thinking outside the box is no longer outside the box anymore??
then my friend said.. think outside ur hat!!
i stole the pict from here


I'm getting tired of starting again
Somewhere new
Were you born to resist or be abused?
I swear I'll never give in
I refuse

March 16, 2009

Sometimes there’s no one left to tell me the truth

This is the mess I've made
These are the words I can’t erase
This is my life support
Shutting down
For the final time
And it twists like a blade
And kills me for the rest of my life

still haunted by LTJ's rest of my life

February 14, 2009

and time would tell

I went to lekker je yesterday.And there are lots of candy stuff attached in every corner of the place .Cant stand to calmly sit and just watch the things,here are some of pics i 've taken.
tht's my sister who was trying so hard to hold her breath as long as she can,cause her camera could only produce a good photo on ISO 100 or 200 for maximum.But from her huff-ing or sigh-ing.. seemed like it didn't goes well.(Yea see,tht so true buddy. I cant did that well either,terbukti dengan hanya 5 foto aja yang sukses masuk sotosop dan kepampang disini.. :P).

Anyway,this week didn't goes so well for me itself.. my terminal emotion couldn't place myself right in a proper situation.You know what I mean? It's like feeling loads of emotion in the same time and apparently, there's "a thing" that happened in the same time tooo and made me makes some random conlusions abou that thing and it ruined everything that i was trying to build..
whoa i even confuse read my words above.. %_%
I just want to get rid of this, and maybe i should hear my friends once.
I have to quit.

They told me like hundred times... it's easy for you to tell, but lately i realized why can i make this thing easier when i know doing 'this thing' is really like pain in the ass.
arrggh ok i'll stop blahing around again and confuse you with unclear 'that thing' 'this thing' things.. (omigod stop)
just pretend tht you understand what i was trying to say.. it'll be kind.. :)
have a nice day amigos..

February 12, 2009

typical script

it's just bad timing for a quiete long pausee...........

February 6, 2009

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