January 26, 2009


I thought I was the kind of girl who knew when to say when
and now I dont really know what kind a girl i am..

January 18, 2009

another day..

So.. the assignment is not over yet.. but i've felt terribly relax dan berasa udah jadi pengangguran aja..
today is sunday.And i didn't go anywheere besides outing lunch with my family.
this past week i through was quiete tough, tiring yet fun. Some like facing a super rush studio deadline, went hunting with sum fellas, meet up with friend from out of town, slept over with old bestfriends, having a long nite talk with my sister , and so on and so on..
argh,when i realize that a good time always came up with bad time , i hate to face that the wheel always rotating... hm,mendadak saya jadi merasa egois..

Yesterday i went to sekaten with amrx but we went to a a mysterious church where the huge jesus standing first .the sky was super awesome..
but I didnt take many good pictures.I'll show u just few... ;)

nyah nyah nyah... chomp chomp chomp.. i need to learn more about photography. taking a good angle, make a right composition,playing with color.. arghh.. Im still that under than average..

oh ya,saya masih punya kewajiban ngelayout poster buat tugas desain interior dan ngerampungin nonton IT crowd dan GG season 2 yang kamren2 saya pending gara2 nyelsein stupa.And i think a huge glass of smoothie would be great to be a good friend of mine to spend this-have-to-be-long night...

January 13, 2009

ta dah..!

really can't trust you no more
i'm sorry
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