September 26, 2008

the un official reunion

Today's trip short story:
Finally we (me, amrix and penjol) succeedly went to Boko temple . After every plans tht we've planned always ended up with 'wacana belaka yang tak kunjung terealisasi'.
We started from my house around 3pm. (which our plan was 1 pm :P). We took lotta sluurpy pictures and we satisfied enough with the results,fully thanked for the perfect sky today x).Here are some of those..

(Huff,i've got trouble arranging these photos)

Yea, it's been a long time we haven't had fun together cause of our daily shits.When we were on our way back to town,suddenly name one of our hischool classmate poped out of our mind.his name is Ary.So amrx tried to reached him by phone.And he agreed to join with us.We decided to met at warung bu santi and then go potobox-ing after all.Finally, because i haven't scanned it yet, these are the other version taken by amrx's camera.we borrowed the good lighting and the solid background from studio.haha,, and it's quiete weird pose i guess... :P

Ps : Saya baru aj nge set in Ym buat bapak saya.And it was kinda weird had a chat with my father across the wall. hahahhaa *lol

September 19, 2008

motivation for the unmotivated

it feels more than just a small empty room.
but it doesn't feels more than a huge playground.
i'm in the middle of my boredom
and i'm so sick always stuck in my personal life sickness
it's not about the problems of a boy or gettin' bad score or my friendship or losing things or anything.
it's more about me who's still searching self-fulfillment (or-whatever-it-called)on taking my own breath.
picture by this

September 18, 2008

shoes orgasm

Akhir akhir ini saya diterjang kebingungan teramat mendalam.Saya dihadapkan kenyataan bahwa saya sedang berhasrat sekali beli sneakers. Setelah mengajukan propoasal kepada pemegang subsidi keluarga,finally cairlah dana pembiayaan daripada proyek beli sneakers karena setelah ditelusuri lebih lanjut, memang saya jarang sekali beli sepatu :P (ah alesan).
Lalu dimulai dari survey via internet.Semua situs2 penyedia gambar dan info sneakers pun saya kunjungi.(kok nyebai sue2 bahasane).Pokonya intinya karena asumsi saya, yang saya liat di inetrnet blm tentu ada di sini,akirnya gw (GW??) pen hunting scara nyata aja aliaas door to door dari sneaker store satu ke sneaker store lainya.
Jadi setelah perjalanan panjang mengarungi bahtera pertokoan,beberapa kandidat yang uda saya hunting-ngi ada 4 - 5 sneakers yang sedikit banyak menggusik naluri saya buat menyuntingnya menjadi soulmate baru.. (oke i know tmbh nggilani bahasaku!biarlah)
and here it some...

1. PUMA yang stocknya tinggal satu (itu aj pasanganya yang ada di display,wis lethek :< ) dan tinggal satu store aj di jogja yang punya.phew... Price : skitar 400bucks (asem!)

I also fell with this blue puma.But  it might be super hard find it right  here..

2. NIKE DUNK WOMAN (wmns autoclave) yang kata mas penjaganya baru dateng barangnya tadi pagi.Bagus sih..walaupun sdikit radak lebai modelny,kek model spatu olahraga bapak2 jaman dulu,cuman di re-desain lebih trendy. Logo nikenya warna biru agk shiny (not 'shiny' tht way :p). sayangnya gak nemu gambarnya di internet.cuman buat gambarannya ya mirip2 kek gini.. cuman lebih oke yang di toko... :D Pricre : 450 bucks (more asem)

(bayangkan saja bahan leather putih dengan logo nike biru nyala agk shiny :P )

3. MACBETH seri Elliot.Baru mo hunting besuk ke tetangga sebelah.Semoga saja seri ini ada juga disana.hahaha.. so cant talk much about 'em. :p dan smoga ukuran dan harganya ga ikutan2 sakit jiwa!

(Yeah ada yang ijo... SCOREE!! ;)

4. ADIDAS classic seri jogging. Apik,simple,old school banget.. loveeee it... cuman td g ada yang ukuranku.. :( (my size is 5,bukankah itu amat sangat common?) *sigh* 
Price : 500bucks diskon jadi 300an.. (asem asem asem g da ukuranya!!)

i saw this cute purple classic adidas sneaker on yang hampir jelas bisa dipastikan susah nyarinya .super sigh!

5. VANS skater yang kalo di kampus, lumayan banyk yang make,cuman kok nyari gambarnya susah amat ni di internet.Bahan leather (or pleather dunno),with lil dots that filling the blank white leather on the top layer of the shoe... (imagine tht.. :p).Nemu di counter kappa Plasa ambarukmo lantai 3.Yang unfortunately smallest size nya 38.then FVK the size again i said! Price :200 bucks.. :'((

Sooo...these things confusing me enough.Selain karena dananya mevet.. ukuran sering ga ada dan lain hal sebagainya,Saya malah sempat kepikiran ga jadi beli spatu aja apa ya??Duitnya bisa dipake buat foya foya lah.. hhahhaha.... eer,ehhm.. no i mean... buat disumbang ke fakir miskin pengenya,,.. hehe hmm, dustaa banget ya... :P.Ga deng.. pokoknya hasrat yang ini harus tersalurkan.. no matter what... (selfishh!!) So the plan is, Directly after finishing  my studio class, i will go to downtown with my ex girlfriend Amrx and she has promised me to help find wht's great for my feet.Actually she craves some footwear too.So we're gonna hunt together.
Yea, I hope we won't screw our journey .... :P

ok,happy fasting folx..
later amigos.. ;)

September 15, 2008

Soko - I'll kill her

..You were dating tht bitch blonde girl,and if i find her i swear i'll kill her...
hahaha what a anoyyingly funny song,i love this song and a cute france girl above...x)

September 12, 2008

What if..

..There are two persons I trust,one is me,and the other is not you..
Happy weekend anyone ;)

September 1, 2008

Ah apa iya..?

Lihat.. ketika kini kamu diuji lagi oleh Penciptamu,atas seberapa tamak dan egoisnya dirimu, apakah besok kau juga masih saja tidak ingin merubah pola fikirmu yang walaupun telah berkali-kali menyadari semua tingkah lakumu,tapi tetap saja membangkang dan selalu berfikir... "ah apa iya??"
dan ketika sekarang "iya" itu telah berakibat buruk kepadamu dan terlebih keluargamu.. belum cukupkah Tuhan memeberi kehilangan2 itu agar hati kecilmu dapat terbuka sedikit lebih lebar..?

Maafkan aku Tuhan.. indeed!
Dan jaga selalu kedua orang tuaku..
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